Thursday 3 May 2012

Jesus is a Dude (Preview)

First off, I am a Christian, Jesus is awesome
- He is my saviour, Lord, God and King.

I do not intend in any way to disrespect Jesus in this, or the following blog post.
I do however, intend to challenge the strangely feminine view of Christ that many people seem to hold.  Also I must add, I love my church, this is not a stab at Hope CC by any means, but an invitation for men across the capital C Church, the body of Christ, to man up.

In our churches often everything is slightly, if not very, feminine.  From the colour schemes of our buildings and the style and lyrics of songs to the tone of the preacher.  This, I believe is a problem, one that needs to be addressed.

This post is primarily aimed at boys and men, but all are welcome to read and comment.  Also I would add that I am not a chauvinist, and I hate guys who abuse and disrespect women.  Please don't hear me that I am against women in church or anything of that sort, that's not at all my point, but what I desire to see is a change in the culture of kids without fathers.  And men not boys, stepping up to serve Jesus, loving and serving their families, working hard, carrying the load that God puts on us.

Godly Dudes (certainly challenging myself) need to step up and take responsibility, loving and leading with passion, strength and humility, like Jesus.

I hope and pray that by the grace of God, I challenge your view of Jesus Christ.

Men, would you honestly worship that guy?

Revelation 19

Dudes, read 1st and 2nd Timothy and Titus, then read them again.

Full Post "Jesus is a Dude" to be up within the next couple of weeks.